Régis N. (regisrex)

Everything is a story

Nobody likes it when you have wrote some bullshit code like you don’t know what is maintainability, If I were a code reviewer for the team, the best thing I can do for you is to give you a seperate git repository to work from, because I can not take my time to requiest 10 changes on a single 20-lines pull request. Your code should be undertandable, that is a must.

Why write this?

I recently heard a colleague talking about his coworker who writes 10 React components in a single file while one of the best answers to the question 'Why React?' is "Seperation of concerns". I understand you might be running out of time or the kinda-lazy, It's okay, we're all human. But, we should craft our products extremely well.
Bad code sample
/* Example
 * Imagine  a 4-level nested if statement block

I like watching devlogs on youtube, currently I like Marko, he teaches me a lot of things that can help me in my career growth and it is where I learnt that the difference between good and great is only "one round of more revision". So I'm now learning and adopting this habit of code revision and refactorinig before a push.

How to write clean code

Whether on backend or on frontend, There’s one thing that surely works well, writing code like you’re writing a story. I believe people who made intrepreters and compilers wrote them in such a way that the program is story of what is happening. We all know what happens when the game in a story has too much conditions to check (if statements) and also when the same scenes keep repeating, we go for another story.

My outro

Write your code like you're telling a story, I work hard that your story shoulld neither be boring nor overwhelming